In this Event Temple series, we highlight members of our team who are the drivers of our success. Find out about the people behind the desk, what they do inside and outside of work, and their take on Event Temple’s journey, from their unique perspective.
In this week’s feature, we meet with Taylor Goertzen. Adaptable and always up for a challenge, Taylor already has a strong history in our Sales Team. He joined our newly created outbound team in May of last year and worked to help build the foundation of a successful outbound program. Taylor then helped to scale our team before being promoted to our Global Account Executive. The diversity of his sales experience coupled with his tenacity and leadership skills make him a valuable team member at ET.
Q: Hi Taylor! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do at Event Temple?
I’m fortunate to have gained a broad skill-set over my career that has afforded me the awesome opportunity to be a part of something special here at Event Temple. What I’ve learned about myself throughout my journey is that I’m passionate about creating a positive impact for the people I work with and the clients I help.
Outside of work, you’ll find me playing, coaching or watching basketball. I’m passionate about building out the Vancouver basketball culture, and putting the talent our city has to offer on the map. My partner and I are invested in the local arts community, and if you can’t find us there, we’re probably in the mountains with our dog, Lilly.
Q: Can you describe your journey at Event Temple and how you got to where you are today?
I was initially hired in May 2021 to help our awesome sales manager, Trevor, build an outbound program that didn’t really exist prior to the pandemic. We poured a lot of blood, sweat and hours into that program and we’re both extremely proud of how far it has come, and how successful it has been in such a short time.
During this time, I got to be on the front lines and hear firsthand what our clients are dealing with. I’m excited to take this knowledge with me as I transition to Account Executive because I feel like I really understand how Event Temple can help nearly anyone in the hospitality industry.
Q: What are your favourite things about what you do?
I love connecting with and meeting the awesome people around the hospitality industry, and I’m excited to help build a community around Event Temple.
Each call I do, I learn something new from the people I talk to. My partner and I are avid travellers, but that hasn’t been a possibility over the last couple of years. I’ve still been given the opportunity to virtually travel the world and experience the diverse cultures that this industry operates in. It’s exciting to jump from Brazil to Spain to France all in a matter of hours!
It’s also important for me to work for a company whose values align with mine, and Event Temple has created a space where we are truly able to help people.
Q: What are some of the most prominent challenges hoteliers are facing right now on the sales front?
Hoteliers are in this unique stage, after the challenging few years we’ve had, where they are re-evaluating the way they do and run their business. Event Temple is a disruptive tech, which means we’re challenging the status quo in the industry when it comes to how sales and catering teams are working. Properties are realizing that now is the perfect time to kick out the dinosaur programs that their teams barely use, and bring in something that's fresh and easy.
Q: What about working at Event Temple are you looking forward to?
I’m excited to continue being a part of a small company that is growing as quickly as we are. It’s fun and challenging to know that my impact can be as big as I want it to be, and I really feel like everyone I work with brings something unique to the table. I’m eager to help build a community around Event Temple and continue helping people across the world.
Event Temple has done big things during some really challenging times in the hospitality world and I think that’s a testament to the culture that has been cultivated here, and the product we put out.