The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Banquet Event Order (BEO) in Venue Management

Learn how to effectively use a Banquet Event Order (BEO) to streamline your venue management, avoid common mistakes, and ensure event success.

September 20, 2024
The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Banquet Event Order (BEO) in Venue Management

Picture this: you’re managing an event, everything’s in place, but somehow the catering team doesn’t have the final headcount, or worse, the setup crew didn't get the memo about the stage change. Chaos, right? Enter the Banquet Event Order (BEO). If you’re in venue management, whether it’s for a hotel, event space, or any large gathering, the BEO is your lifeline. But just like anything else, there are best practices to follow—and pitfalls to avoid—when using a BEO. Let’s dive into the do’s and don’ts and why BEOs are so critical for keeping everything running smoothly.

What is a Banquet Event Order (BEO)?

If you’re not super familiar with the term, a Banquet Event Order (often shortened to BEO) is essentially a contract or document that outlines the details of an event. It’s used by venues, hotels, and caterers to make sure everyone involved in the event is on the same page. We’re talking about things like the event schedule, menu, number of guests, room setup, audiovisual needs, and special requests.

Think of it as the event playbook. Everything from the time guests arrive to the dishes being served—it’s all in there. Why? Because miscommunication can quickly turn a well-planned event into a disaster, and nobody wants that.

Why BEOs are Essential for Successful Venue Management

Let’s be honest—managing events can be overwhelming. Whether you’re handling weddings, corporate galas, or even small family gatherings, a lot can go wrong if details slip through the cracks. That’s where BEOs step in and save the day. A well-executed BEO serves as a communication tool between the event planner, venue staff, and caterers.

Here’s the thing: when you use a BEO correctly, you reduce the chances of errors. No one has to guess how the room should be set up, how many guests will be showing up, or what food will be served. Everything is spelled out. Everyone gets the same playbook.

Imagine coordinating an event without one. You’ll get last-minute calls asking about table arrangements or the timing of the meal. That’s unnecessary stress no one needs!

The Do’s of Using a Banquet Event Order (BEO) in Venue Management

Alright, let’s break down the do’s—what you absolutely should be doing with a BEO to keep your events running like a well-oiled machine.

Create a Clear and Detailed BEO

Details matter, and we can’t stress this enough. The more detailed your BEO, the fewer chances of things going haywire. Include every little detail you can think of, such as:

  • Final headcount
  • Menu items and any dietary restrictions
  • Room setup (like table arrangements, seating, and audiovisual equipment)
  • Event schedule, including speeches, presentations, and meal timings
  • Special requests (maybe your client wants a chocolate fountain or a last-minute AV hookup)

If someone picks up your BEO, they should know exactly what needs to happen, no questions asked. Think of it like giving everyone involved the same playbook. If everyone’s on the same page, fewer mistakes happen. You can also read this blog which outlines the details for creating the Banquet Event Order you need.

Use a BEO Template to Streamline the Process

Creating a BEO from scratch every time? That sounds like a headache waiting to happen. Here’s where a BEO Template comes in handy. It’s the easiest way to save time while ensuring no detail is overlooked. Templates are your friend because they:

  • Offer consistency across all your events
  • Save time by not having to start from scratch
  • Provide a checklist of common items so you don’t forget anything

If you haven’t already, download a BEO Free Template or create one customized to your venue. Not only will it save time, but you’ll also have a ready-made format to ensure you’re covering all the bases. 

Automate BEO Creation with Venue Management Software

Let’s face it: we’re in the age of automation, and manually drafting a BEO can be tedious. The good news? Venue Management Software now makes it possible to automate this process. When you’re dealing with multiple events at once, you don’t have time to manually enter all the details for each one. Software tools can do that heavy lifting for you, auto-populating important info and even syncing with your calendar and staffing schedules.

Some even integrate with Sales and Catering Software, making it easier to manage every aspect of the event in one place. If you haven’t jumped on this trend yet, it’s time to consider an upgrade. Your future self will thank you.

The Don’ts of Using a Banquet Event Order (BEO)

Let’s talk about what not to do when using a BEO. Avoiding these mistakes can save you a lot of headaches.

Don’t Overlook Important Details in the BEO

It’s tempting to breeze through the smaller details when filling out a BEO, but don’t do it. Every detail counts. Forget to mention that the AV team needs a projector set up by a certain time? Or that the caterers need to know about a gluten-free guest? Even small oversights can have big consequences.

Double-check everything before sending out the final BEO. Ask yourself: if I weren’t the one planning this event, would I understand every detail in this document? If the answer is no, add more information.

Don’t Rely on Outdated Methods for BEO Management

Still using spreadsheets and sticky notes to manage your events? While old-school methods may have worked in the past, today’s event management needs require a more streamlined approach. Relying on outdated methods increases the risk of human error. That’s why using digital tools, like Venue Management Software, is a game-changer.

These tools offer real-time updates, mobile access, and even collaborative features so that everyone involved in the event stays informed. Plus, you can integrate your BEOs directly with these platforms, cutting down on manual labor and ensuring everything is up-to-date.

How to Write a Banquet Event Order for Large Events

Writing a Banquet Event Order for a large event can feel like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Start with the basics: Include the event date, time, and location.
  2. Add guest details: Number of attendees, seating arrangements, and any special requests for guests with dietary restrictions or mobility issues.
  3. Outline the menu: List out each course, any beverage service, and include options for people with dietary restrictions.
  4. Room setup: Make sure you include table and chair arrangements, as well as where the AV equipment needs to be.
  5. Staff assignments: Note who will be in charge of what—from the catering team to the AV staff.

By the time you’re done, the BEO should act as a roadmap for the entire event. Don’t skimp on the details, especially for large events where things can easily slip through the cracks.

6 Tips and Best Practices for Writing Your Event Proposal

Your event proposal should be just as polished as the BEO itself. Here are six tips to make sure it stands out:

  1. Be clear and concise: Don’t bury key details in a sea of text. Make sure the essential info is easy to find.
  2. Focus on the client’s needs: Make sure the proposal speaks directly to what your client is looking for.
  3. Include visuals: Floor plans, sample menus, and event photos can help illustrate your proposal.
  4. Outline costs clearly: Make sure there’s no confusion when it comes to pricing.
  5. Include a BEO preview: Give the client a glimpse of the details you’ll cover in the full BEO.
  6. Personalize it: A cookie-cutter proposal can feel impersonal. Add a personal touch based on what you know about the client.

You can check-out this article if you are looking for top strategies to boost your Catering sales.

BEO Templates: A Must-Have for Venue and Event Management

A good BEO template isn’t just a time-saver—it’s essential for keeping your events organized. Here’s why:

  • Consistency: Every event, big or small, follows the same structure, reducing the chance of errors.
  • Efficiency: A template means less time spent creating BEOs from scratch, giving you more time to focus on other tasks.
  • Customization: While a template provides a framework, you can always tweak it to fit the unique needs of each event.

Make sure your BEO template covers all the bases—guest count, menu, room setup, special requests—and provides space for any last-minute changes.

How Venue Management Software Can Help Simplify BEOs

Using Venue Management Software to create and manage BEOs can make your life a lot easier. Imagine having all your event details, staffing needs, and client requests in one place. Plus, these systems can sync with your calendar, helping you avoid double bookings or missed deadlines.

Integrating BEOs with Sales and Catering Software

When your BEO integrates with Sales and Catering Software, things get even smoother. You can track client preferences, manage costs, and even forecast staffing needs, all from one system. This integration also ensures that everyone involved in the event—from the kitchen to the sales team—has access to the latest event details.

Top Venue Management Software for Handling BEOs

If you’re on the hunt for software that can handle your BEOs, here is the top solution for you:

  • Event Temple: Perfect for streamlining venue management, with seamless BEO integration.

It offers BEO templates, real-time updates, and integrations with other essential event management features.

Why BEOs Matter in Hotel Sales and Event Success

BEOs aren’t just about the logistics—they play a crucial role in the success of your venue’s sales strategy. Well-organized BEOs show clients that you’re serious about the details, which helps build trust and rapport. And let’s face it—happy clients are more likely to come back for future events, giving you a chance to increase your repeat business. Plus, a smooth event, thanks to a well-structured BEO, can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals.

When it comes to hotel sales, a solid BEO can set you apart from the competition. Clients want to know that their event is in good hands, and having a detailed BEO shows you’re prepared for anything.


Using a Banquet Event Order (BEO) isn’t just a formality—it’s a game-changer for anyone in venue management. By following the do’s and don’ts, using templates, and integrating with Venue Management Software, you can streamline your processes and deliver exceptional events. So, whether you’re managing a small banquet or a large corporate gala, make sure your BEO is detailed, clear, and ready to guide the event to success.Download our Free BEO Template and streamline your next event like a pro.

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