A career in hospitality sales is challenging and exceptionally competitive. Managers tirelessly aim to surpass their goals while ensuring they are expertly representing their brand and its vision. The process involves a lot more than simply booking rooms and food & beverage. The industry calls for endless innovation and strategic planning. In this dynamic and ever-changing work environment, what makes one hospitality sales manager average and the other awesome? No matter the strategy, market or venue, here are the top 5 habits of highly successful hospitality sales manager.
- They are Experts on Their Product
This may seem like an obvious habit, but it’s often underestimated and at times even overlooked. Being an expert on your product doesn’t simply mean knowing the size of a function space or how many rooms are available at any given time. It means understanding your venue from all avenues and knowing where you can successfully break the mold to accommodate your clients’ wants and needs. For example, do you understand the event flip times for any given space in order to maximize your bookings? Do you know what concessions you can offer that aren’t detrimental to your sales goals but make your client feel valued? Awesome hospitality sales manager have a rich understanding of their product and the “crazy” ideas that make it all work.
- They Have Outstanding Organizational Skills
Successful hospitality sales manager take goals, prospecting and reporting very seriously. They are diligently organized in scheduling their time and tasks with reminders on a monthly, weekly and daily basis. They utilize powerful reporting tools to measure their closing ratios and research how many leads they need to close one sale. Being organized and measuring your activity leads to a better understanding of what causes the best results. In order to be exceptionally organized, utilize your calendar to set aside blocks of time dedicated to certain tasks. Use a CRM system to examine where all of your leads are in a matter of seconds. Being a pro at organization helps awesome hospitality sales manager prioritize their tasks effectively so they can surpass even the most difficult sales goals.
- They Really Get to Know Their Clients
Knowing your client doesn’t simply mean their contact details and event dates. Awesome hospitality sales managers skillfully build relationships and close them. They take the time to get to know their clients’ hopes, dreams and professional goals. By doing this they can anticipate what their client wants before they even verbalize it. The more informed you are, the more convincing you can be. At the end of the day, awesome hospitality sales managers are the ones that establish these relationships without making it seem like they are selling anything.
- They Have a Genuine and Authentic Character
For some people, the notion of sales brings up thoughts of pushy car salesmen or cold-blooded sharks only motivated by the prospect of commissions. As a result, many potential customers approach sales conversations warily and full of suspicion. Unfortunately, this reality exists where aggressiveness trumps helpfulness. Being genuine, direct, open and honest is how awesome a hospitality sales manager stand apart from average ones. Want to be more authentic? Throw out your sales script, because no matter how well you write your script you are sure to sound scripted and your prospects know how to spot inauthenticity immediately. Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the solid foundation of any relationship.
- They are Forever improving
If you’re not improving, your falling behind. Awesome hospitality sales managers are forever forward and innovative in their thinking. They constantly question and review their processes, habits and strategies. They welcome feedback, both good and bad and understand that without improvement they are losing their competitive advantage. At the end of the day, self-improvement is a rebellion against average. It’s the key to unlocking your full potential. As the saying goes: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until you're good is better and your better is best”.
If you are interested in maintaining or perhaps stepping up your sales success, embrace these practices daily. Start by making micro-commitments and focus on your small wins. After all, a habit is more or less a fixed way of thinking, willing or feeling that’s developed through repetition and constant practice. Now we turn to you - Do you agree with these habits? What habits helped you achieve your biggest wins? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!