Still Using Spreadsheets and Emails for Hotel Sales?

Are manual processes holding back your hotel sales? Learn why relying on spreadsheets and emails is slowing you down and how switching to automation and CRM tools can give you a competitive edge. Streamline your workflow, boost efficiency, and focus on closing deals.

October 16, 2024
Still Using Spreadsheets and Emails for Hotel Sales?

Let me ask you something—how many times have you found yourself digging through an inbox full of unread emails, trying to find that one lead you swear you followed up with last week? Or staring at a spreadsheet, wondering if this is the version with all the updated bookings? Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone.

A lot of hotel sales teams are still stuck in this manual grind, relying on old-school spreadsheets and email threads to manage everything. But here’s the hard truth: everyone is racing to close that lead and if you are still stuck using the old ways, then that's like trying to win a race with a flat tire. The competition is moving faster, using smarter tools, and your manual process is probably costing you more than you think.

Let’s talk about why.

The Hidden Costs of Manual Processes

Sure, spreadsheets and emails are cheap. But when it comes to hotel sales, they can also be a huge time sink. How much time does your team spend copying and pasting data, managing different sheets for leads, proposals, and bookings? Probably too much.

Every minute spent on admin work is time that could’ve been spent nurturing relationships or closing deals. And in hotel sales, speed matters. Leads go cold quickly. If you’re not responding fast enough, someone else will.

Take this scenario: A sales rep, let’s call him Dave, has 20 leads to follow up with. He’s got an email thread for each, and he’s manually updating a shared spreadsheet after every call. Meanwhile, your competitor down the street has an automated CRM sending follow-up emails, tracking interactions, and updating all the data automatically. Who do you think closes those deals faster?


Growth Gets Messy Without the Right Tools

You might be thinking, “We’ve managed just fine so far.” And sure, if you’re handling a smaller volume of sales, manual processes might get the job done. But what happens when things start to scale? When you’ve got 50, 100, or more leads coming in every week?

Here’s where the cracks show. Let’s say your hotel just launched a new conference center, and inquiries are flooding in. With leads scattered across spreadsheets and emails, some fall through the cracks. Follow-ups get delayed, and worse—some prospects never hear back. Not exactly the smooth, professional experience you want to deliver.

A CRM system changes that by organizing all your leads, automating follow-ups, and ensuring nothing gets missed. It’s like upgrading from a bicycle to a sports car. You can’t keep up with growth if you’re stuck with the wrong tools.

Automation: The Competitive Advantage

Let’s be real—automation is the game-changer here. It’s not about replacing the human element in sales, but freeing your team from the mind-numbing manual tasks that take them away from high-value activities.

Imagine this: Your sales team no longer has to remember who to follow up with and when. Automated systems handle that, and each interaction is tracked, ensuring every lead is nurtured at the right time. No more forgotten follow-ups. No more leads slipping through the cracks. And that means your team can focus on building relationships, not chasing their own tails.

And let’s not forget the value of having all your data in one place. No more juggling spreadsheets, no more “Where did I put that email?” moments. Everything’s centralized, searchable, and easily accessible. That’s how modern sales teams win.

Data Accuracy and Security: Two Things You Can’t Afford to Compromise

Here’s another kicker: manual processes aren’t just inefficient, they’re risky. Think about how easy it is to accidentally delete a row in a spreadsheet or miss an important email thread. Human error is unavoidable when you’re manually managing data.

Worse yet, what happens when that spreadsheet contains sensitive customer information? Spreadsheets aren’t exactly known for their ironclad security. If you’re handling big group bookings or important event details, you really don’t want that information sitting unprotected in a document anyone can edit—or worse, lose.

Modern CRM systems, especially cloud-based ones, offer built-in security measures that keep your data safe and backed up. No more worrying about misplacing a file or, heaven forbid, getting hacked.

Case-in-Point: From Chaos to Control

Largo Resort used to manage their sales with spreadsheets and emails, but it wasn’t cutting it anymore. Leads were slipping through the cracks, and the team was spending way too much time on admin work. When they switched to Event Temple, everything changed. They doubled their operational efficiency, automated follow-ups, and streamlined the entire booking process. No more juggling spreadsheets—just faster responses and a noticeable boost in bookings. The Director of Sales loved how easy it was to use, saying it simplified their workflow dramatically.

You can read more about the full case study here.

Are You Falling Behind?

Here’s the thing: your competitors have already made the switch. They’re using automation, integrated systems, and CRM platforms to streamline their processes. If you’re still stuck using spreadsheets and email threads, you’re falling behind.

I’m not saying it’s an overnight switch or that it’s easy. But in the long run, making the shift away from manual processes is what’s going to help your hotel sales team compete, grow, and win.

So, what’s it going to be? Keep running the race with a flat tire, or finally upgrade to a faster, more efficient set of tools?

Time to decide.

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